Art helps us to better understand
ourselves, each other, and the world around us.
It is a language we can use to contemplate and communicate when words
fall short. Emerging Maine artist, Jaime Marie D'Errico, explores a reality of
dreams and emotions with raw, vibratory compositions. While the colors in her art are often wildly
exultant, the lines and forms weaving them together are precise and
controlled. A captivating juxtaposition
of order and chaos.
Jaime has been told that she must
be very patient to produce such meticulously woven images, but she maintains
that patience has nothing to do with it. "I'm compelled to do this. It's almost an obsession. Sometimes I swear I can even see the lines
before I put them down...It's so interesting and fun for me.”
Where did you get the idea for your business and when did you get
I opened an online store on January
17th 2014 and am pleased to say that I've already sold two pieces of
original artwork. I've been making and
selling art since I was in junior high, but it was always the result of someone
approaching me first. It never really
occurred to me that I could actively try to make a living doing this until last
year. I was moving, to be closer to my
family, and while packing and preparing, I saw how many pieces of art I had
been quietly amassing over the years. I
made a decision that I would make art an even bigger part of my life by getting
organized by marketing and selling what I have created. Selling online is an important part of this
plan, as it allows me to reach such a wide audience from my location in rural
How did you come up with your brand name?

What goes into the creation of one piece of NeoFauv art?
The first step is always the
inspiration. Sometimes this will come to
me in a dream. Sometimes I'll just see a vision of the finished piece in my
head briefly, and then it's gone. I grab
some paper and make a sketch, and then I sketch a little more until I have the
right feel that I'm looking for. Next, I
select all of the colors, separate them from the pile and build my “toolbox”
for the piece. Then the real fun
begins! I start laying down lovely
pigments, weaving one into the other, and trying my best to keep track of all
the patterns without messing them up!
I've actually opened up my process just recently on my Facebook page, so
my friends can watch each piece of art emerge.
It's been really fun.
How do people get in touch with you?
Etsy shop:
I see a lot of people starting their business online. What do you think
makes you stand out from the crowd?
I have never seen anyone making art that looks like
mine. My style is completely
unique. In addition, I feel like the
intense emotions that I try to convey jump out and grab the viewer' s
attention. My art is meant to speak to
people about the beauty that surrounds us.
That kind of imagery and intent is powerful, I believe.
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